It is 1st of Jan. That time of the year when you make resolutions for the new year. I have never made resolutions because I always thought that they were made to be broken. But this year I feel like making some hard resolutions. I am in the process of making a few of them for myself. But this post is about resolutions, according to me, that must be the resolutions of India for the new year. The following are the resolutions India is making for itself:
Terrorism: I have had enough of it. This time I will not let up the pressure on Pakistan until it comes out of it's self-denial mode. I will not let up the pressure until Pakistan takes concrete steps to curbing the menace, until pakistan hands over the responsible terrorists to India. I will not let Politicians spoil my resolve, this time. I will secure my borders in such a way that outsiders shudder at the thought of illegally crossing over into our border. I will strengthen my law and order in such a way that vote-bank politics doesn't affect the resolve with which I deal with terrorists in my custody.
Clean Governance: 2009 is the year of the lok sabha elections. I will rout corrupt government servents with full-resolve. There are corrupt leaders and there are publicly corrupt leaders like Mayawati. I will expose and suspend all corrupt leaders. I will not let the government leaders who have the tax-payer's money at their disposal to spend it on wasteful expenditures like Statues, Monuments, providing Z-security levels to all and sundry leaders and sports people, foriegn tours of large government contingents with no agendas. I will ensure that the tax-payer's money is used for the basic necessities of all people like good roads, water, electricities, affordable medical attention and food.
Young and Literate Leaders: I can't help but notice that the dismal state of affairs that my countrymen are facing everyday is because I am being ruled by leaders who should have retired a good few decades back and who are mostly illiterate. Many have a criminal record too. I will take the opportunity that the lok sabha elections of this year is offerring to cleanup my act and bring in a fresh shot of blood in the way of young, dynamic, educated and criminal-free leaders to lead the way to new me.
Digital India: I have already done a start in many of my government offices in the direction of digitization, with good results. Like, income-tax returns, PAN card issuance, Passport issuance, electricity & telephone bill payments, etc. This has resulted in lesser people and government employees contact resulting in lessening of instances of corruption. This year I will strive to digitize more areas starting with the highly corrupt offices like RTO and Land Registrar offices.
Transport: It is, by now, eminently clear to all people that providing an efficient transport is instrumental in a robust economy. Be it the daily commute of my people to their work-places or the their long-distance travels or the transport of goods all over the country, there is nothing more than a good transport that brings a smile to the traveller. I will strive to provide the best transport experience to my countrymen, be it through good and wide roads or efficient railway system or affordable air-travel. Why must my people cancel their travel plans due to lack of travel options? Why must my people suffer hours of road travel on my pollution-filled roads to get to their work-place when the same distances take no time in other countries? Why must there be so much pollution on my roads? I will strive to address all these questions in this new year.
Consumer Power: With the increased properity my people have increased their consumption of goods. And as an ugly by-product, everyday, thousands of my people are taken for a ride by private(we've already talked about corruption in public business) businesses small, medium and large ones. Airlines cancel flights and don't refund the money that rightfully belongs to the passenger. My people are made to purchase goods on false promises that are not kept. My people put all their life-savings in deals which, later, prove fraudulent. One way or the other all of my people have experienced fraud in big or small way. This year I will strive to strengthen the power in the hands of the consumers. This, I will do by delivering swift justice to consumer complaints and by taking the consumer courts to the doorstep of the consumer and by making it very easy to file such complaints and, finally, by taking severe action on the erring businesses. I intend to strengthen my consumer protection laws to such extent that any business should shudder at the thought of cheating my people.
There are many areas in my body which need improvements. But let me focus on a few and get them right. I think that if the above areas are dealt with rightly it will provide a lot of succour to my people.