The right to offend is more important than the right to not get offended.
That, my dear friend, is freedom of speech/expression(FOSE) in a nutshell.But does the statement strike a jarring note on you?Does it, in your mind, conjure images like a neighbour blastinghis new multi-deck uber-PMPO system at ungodly times ?Well, that's an onslaught on one of our five senses andthat's not the FOSE I am talking of.
The FOSE I am talking of is the apparent onslaughton our subtle holier-than-thou senses like sensibilities.These days these senses are assuming ugly larger than life forms usually resulting in some form of vandalism against the perpetrator. And what seems to be the crime? Writing/Talking/Expressing one's mind - be it journalism, painting,cartoons, comedy, TV programs and what have you.
An artist paints a god naked and there is an outcry. Whydoes the artist not pick a god of his own religion to portray it naked. My question to the protestors is this:Have you been to Ajanta, Ellora or Khajuraho, for crying out loud? Personally, I think artists are wackos withwarped minds. But I am not a person who'll go and hit him on his head to paint a god naked. That is how he sees it and that's his problem. And that is what is art. If it impresses you then good for you or else too bad you are not gonna purchase it or heck, appreciate it and Move on.Is that so hard to do? Atleast the old indian civilizations recognized this freedom of expression of the artists.
This tendency of people react in outrage at little provocations strike me as utterly childish behavior.A behavior I am witnessing right now in my 4yr-old son.He comes home crying deliriously saying one of theneighborhood kid called him something like Pussu.Not that it has any meaning in kids language too.But he still gets ruffled. And we tell him just ignoreit. Simple! But that's something which doesn't comeeasliy to him. He probably cannot take it that heis not able to respond appropriately to the name-calling.Therefore, the hue and cry.How difficult is it to ignore stuff that's hurting yoursensibilities or show your protest in a peaceful way?After all the offending act was not thrust upon you bybreaking a wind-shield or burning an effigy or by issuinga fatwa.
These so called moral police are having a field day almostevery other day, these days. There are infinite issues thatthese people are getting pissed about. None of these issuesare what we could call basic nessecity issues like water,electricity, environment or roads. Almost all these issuesthat bring them onto the roads in a show of violent protestare what we could say feelgood issues. Maslow, a behaviouralscientist, had categorized our needs into a hierarchy.At the bottom were basic needs like shelter, food, water,etc.He says once these needs of a man are satisfied he goesfor the next higher level of satisfaction and that isthe "need to be secure & safe".Then would come "The needto be loved and be loved" and so on till at the top thereis the "need for self actualization". It's in this area that these zealots are acting. These are the people who looklike they are violating Maslow's hierarchy in a major wayby jumping from the bottom most rung to the top most rung directly. Or is it? Are they acting on behalf of thosepeople who are by logic in the top most rung of maslow'shierarchy? Mostly so. Apparently, There is some political mileage to be had from these displays of puritanism.Somebody needs to remind them that we fought for ourfreedom from Britishers for, among other things, the freedomto speak and express ourselves in any way we want.
Looks like we are now back to being slaves of theseself-serving politicians who'll not hesitate to hold thesociety on ransom for any cause that may serve them.
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