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Monday, October 20, 2008

Have you ever wanted to have a custom folder in the save/open dialog window?

Many a times I have wanted to place my own custom folder in the space to the left of the Save as/Open window so that I could go to my area in a jiffy and not navigate through a maze of drives and folders to reach my destination. It is such a compelling requirement that it must've been a default feature in windows but no, it is not.
I have done a little research on how to get this feature. And what do I find? MS, no less, provides this functionality through a power toy program. I discovered that MS has numberous power toy programs to achieve different things and TweakUI is one of them. And all the power toys are "free". It is a very small program(147KB). Once you install it look for the "Places Bar" option in the "Common Dialogs" section. Here you can define 5 custom folders. And no more than 5. Rest is pretty self-explanatory.
Here is the link to find all the power toys from MS:

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