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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ashok Chakra awards

Yesterday, I was watching our Republic Day proceedings on the TV and when it was the turn of our President to give away the Ashok Chakra awards, the highest recognition to our nation's heroes during peacetime, a few thoughts struck me:
1. All the awards were being accepted by the widows of the heroes.
2. Why is it being given to the 3 police-men who got ambushed and killed? How come they are placed on the same pedestal as those who valiantly fought the enemies before laying down their lives?
3. If the 3 policemen who were ambushed to death deserved the award, why don't all the policemen who lost their lives in the 26/11 attacks too deserve the awards? Were the lives of the policemen of lower grade not worth the lives of these policemen?
4. Was it because these 3 men were in media's glare and were painted as heroes by the media that they ended up with the awards?

I think that our government has bungled badly in this case. It still can make amends by granting the awards to the rest of the policemen who laid down their lives in the attack.

1 comment:

Rachna said...

Very valid. I agree that all policemen should have been awarded Ashok Chakras if some were getting them. We cannot have hierarchies dictating recognition and equality of it.